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April 4, 2011 Agenda-Regular

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Borough of South Plainfield   
Mayor and Council Minutes  

Minutes from the April 4, 2011 Public Meeting                                  

of the South Plainfield Mayor and Council


The meeting was called to order at 7:20pm by Mayor Anesh in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6, with adequate notice of this meeting of the Borough Council being provided to the borough’s two official newspapers and also published on the Borough’s website. 

Clerk Graf called the roll.  Present were Council Members: Barletta, Bengivenga, Buteas, McConville, Salerno and Rusnak.

Mayor Anesh presented two Proclamations.  The first was in honor of National Library Week, April 6 – 10, 2011.  The second proclamation recognized Autism Awareness Month – April 2011.

Mr. Barletta made a motion to accept the minutes of March 21, 2011 Agenda, Executive and Public; seconded by Mr. Bengivenga.

YES:  Barletta, Bengivenga, Buteas, McConville, Salerno, Rusnak        Motion Carried

Mr. Barletta made a motion to accept the minutes of March 28, 2011 special public meeting; seconded by Mr. Bengivenga.

YES:  Barletta, Bengivenga, Buteas, McConville, Rusnak          

ABSTAIN:  Salerno                                                                           Motion Carried

The Mayor opened the meeting to the Public for comments on Agenda items only.  Having no comments, Mayor Anesh closed the public portion and called for Ordinance # 1921

Clerk Graf  read Ordinance #1921 by title only for public hearing and final adoption as follows:

#1921 entitled: An Ordinance amending Salary Ordinance # 1777 entitled an ordinance                         providing for the compensation of various borough employees and the                          method of payment of said compensation. 


WHEREAS, the Salary Ordinance of the Borough of South Plainfield confirms the titles of officers and employees of the Borough and establishes their respective compensation, and the Ordinance remains in effect until amended or superseded; and

WHEREAS, Borough Council wishes to amend Salary Ordinance #1777 to include both a full time and part time position of Cashier; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of South Plainfield as follows:

SECTION 1. The aforesaid Salary Ordinance is hereby amended and supplemented as follows:

A.    The table of salaried positions in Section 1 is amended to include the position of

    “Cashier, Full time” with an annual salary range of $20,020 to $30,030.

B.     The ordinance is also amended to include the position of Cashier, Part time with an annual salary range of   $11,440 to $17,160

SECTION 2.  INCONSISTENCY – All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the inconsistency.

SECTION 3.  EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall become effective and operative ten days after publication thereof after final passage.

Mr. Barletta made a motion to adopt Ordinance # 1921, seconded by Mr. Bengivenga.

Mayor Anesh opened the public hearing on Ordinance # 1921. There were no comments

so the Mayor called for the vote.

YES:  Barletta, Bengivenga, Buteas, McConville, Salerno, Rusnak        Motion Carried

Clerk Graf read Ordinance # 1922 by title only for public hearing and final adoption as follows:

#1922 entitled: An Ordinance vacating the borough’s authority and control over a portion

                       of  Dover Place in the Borough of South Plainfield, Middlesex County,

                       New Jersey

WHEREAS, there exists in the Borough of South Plainfield, Middlesex County, New Jersey, a street which is, in part, a “paper street” known as Dover Place as shown on the Official Tax Map of the Borough of South Plainfield; and

WHEREAS, the Borough Council has determined such property to be surplus property, and has been offered for sale to the two contiguous property owners a portion of Dover Place, which property is less than the minimum size required for development,  and has no capital improvements; and

WHEREAS, one contiguous property owner, Dennis Hado, has expressed interest in purchasing the property at the previously appraised fair market value of $12,500.00, and the other contiguous property owner has not expressed any interest; and

WHEREAS, the Borough of South Plainfield desires to sell a portion of the property known as Dover Place to Dennis Hado; and

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40:67-19 authorizes the Borough to release and extinguish public rights, and the rights of the Borough, arising from a dedication of the street;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of South Plainfield, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey as follows:

I.                  The rights of the public and the Borough of South Plainfield in and to a portion of Dover Place in the confines of Block 284, Lots 19 and 25, as described more particularly in Schedule A annexed hereto and made a part hereof are hereby extinguished and vacated;

II.              At least one week prior to the time affixed for the consideration of this Ordinance for final passage, a copy thereof, together with a notice of the introduction thereof at a time and place when and where the Ordinance will be further considered for final passage, should be mailed to every person whose land may be effected by this Ordinance insofar as may be ascertained.  Said notices shall be made by the Borough Clerk to the owners of Block 284, Lot 19, and Lot 25; and

III.            The Borough Clerk shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this Ordinance, file a copy of this Ordinance certified by her under the Seal of the Borough to be a true copy thereof, together with proof of publication thereof in the office the Clerk of the County of Middlesex in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:67-21.

This Ordinance shall take effect upon final passage and publication in
        accordance with New Jersey law.                             

Mr. Bengivenga made a motion to adopt Ordinance # 1922, seconded by Mr. Barletta.

Mayor Anesh opened the public hearing on Ordinance # 1922. There were no comments

so the Mayor called for the vote.

YES:  Barletta, Bengivenga, Buteas, McConville, Salerno, Rusnak        Motion Carried

Clerk Graf read Ordinance # 1923 by title only for public hearing and final adoption as follows:

#1923 entitled:   An Ordinance designating riparian zones and providing for their regulation

                     within the Borough of South Plainfield.

WHEREAS, the Middlesex County Planning Department is the lead agency charged with writing the State mandated Wastewater Management Plan for Middlesex County; and

            WHEREAS, the Middlesex County Planning Department has directed that all municipalities within the County must have in effect certain ordinances in order that the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection adopt the Middlesex County Wastewater Management Plan; and

            WHEREAS, no public hearing can occur on the County’s Wastewater Management Plan unless the required ordinances have been developed and reviewed by the Middlesex County Planning Board; and

            WHEREAS, if Middlesex County does not have an adopted Wastewater Management Plan, there will be a moratorium on future sewer hookups;

            NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of South Plainfield, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey, that the following Ordinance shall take effect establishing and regulating Riparian Zones within the municipality:

I.                    PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY.

The purpose of this Ordinance is to designate riparian zones and to provide for land use regulation therein in order to protect the streams, lakes and other surface water bodies of the Borough of South Plainfield, and to comply with N.J.A.C. 7:15-5.25(g)3, which requires municipalities to adopt an ordinance that prevents new disturbance for projects or activities in riparian zones as described herein.  Compliance with the riparian zone requirements of this Ordinance does not constitute compliance with the riparian zone or buffer requirements imposed under any other Federal, State or local statute, regulation or ordinance.

II.                 DEFINITIONS.

Acid producing soils means soils that contain geologic deposits of iron sulfide materials (pyrite and marcasite) which, which exposed to oxygen from the air or from surface waters, oxidize to produce sulfuric acid.  Acid producing soils, upon excavation, generally have a pH of 4.0 or lower.  After exposure to oxygen, these soils generally have a pH of 3.0 or lower.   Information regarding the location of acid producing soils in New Jersey can be obtained from local Soil Conservation District offices.

Applicant means a person, corporation, government body or other legal entity applying to the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment or the Construction Office proposing to engage in an activity that is regulated by the provisions of this Ordinance, and that would be located in whole or in part within a regulated Riparian Zone.

Category One waters or C1 waters shall have the meaning ascribed to this term by the Surface Water Quality Standards, N.J.A.C. 7:9B, for purposes of implementing the antidegradation policies set forth in those standards, for protection from measurable changes in water quality characteristics because of their clarity, color, scenic setting and other characteristics of aesthetic value, exceptional ecological significance, exceptional recreational significance, exceptional water supply significance, or exceptional fisheries resources.

       Disturbance means the placement of impervious surface, the exposure or movement of soil or bedrock of the clearing, cutting or removing of vegetation.

        Intermittent Stream means a surface water body with definite bed and banks in which there is not a permanent flow of water and shown on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Geographic Information System (GIS) hydrography coverages or, in the case of a Special Water Resource Protection Area (SWRPA) pursuant to the Stormwater Management Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.5(h), C1 waters as shown on the USGS quadrangle map or in the County Soil Surveys.

         Lake, pond or reservoir means any surface water body shown on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Geographic Information System (GIS) hydrography coverages or, in the case of a Special Water Resource Protection Area (SWRPA) pursuant to the Stormwater Management Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.5(h), C1 waters as shown on the USGS quadrangle map or in the County Soil Surveys; that is an impoundment, whether naturally occurring or created in whole or in part by the building of structures for the retention of surface water.  This excludes sedimentation control and stormwater retention/ detention basins and ponds designed for treatment of wastewater.

         Perennial stream means a surface water body that flows continuously throughout the year in most years and shown on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Geographic Information System (GIS) hydrography coverages or, in the case of a Special Water Resource Protection Area (SWRPA) pursuant to the Stormwater Management Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.5(h), C1 waters as shown on the USGS quadrangle map or in the County Soil Surveys.

         Riparian Zone means the land and vegetation within and directly adjacent to all surface water bodies, including, but not limited to lakes, ponds, reservoirs, perennial and intermittent streams up to and including their point of origin, such as seeps and springs, as shown on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Geographic Information System (GIS) hydrography coverages or, in the case of a Special Water Resource Protection Area (SWRPA) pursuant to the Stormwater Management Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.5(h), C1 waters as shown on the USGS quadrangle map or in the County Soil Surveys.  There is no riparian zone along the Atlantic Ocean or along any manmade lagoon or oceanfront barrier island, spit or peninsula.

            Special Water Resource Protection Area of SWRPA means a 300-foot area provided on each side of a surface water body designated as a C1 water or tributary to a C1 water that is a perennial stream, intermittent stream, lake, pond or reservoir, as defined herein and shown on the USGS quadrangle map or in the County Soil Surveys within the associated HUC14 drainage, pursuant to the Stormwater Management Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.5(h).

            Surface water body(ies) means any perennial stream, intermittent stream, lake, pond or reservoir as defined herein.  In addition, any regulated water under the Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules at N.J.A.C. 7:13-2.2 or State open waters identified in a Letter of Interpretation issued under the Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:7A-3 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Land Use Regulation shall also be considered surface water bodies.

            Threatened or endangered species means a species identified pursuant to the Endangered and Nongame Species Conservation Act, N.J.S.A. 23:2A-1, et seq., the Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. §§1531, et seq., or the Endangered Plant Species List, N.J.A.C. 7:5C-5.1, and any subsequent amendments thereto.

            Trout maintenance water means a section of water designated as trout maintenance in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Surface Water Quality Standards at N.J.A.C. 7:9B.

            Trout production water means a section of water identified as trout production in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Surface Water Quality Standards at N.J.A.C. 7:9B.


A.                 Except as provided in Sections IV and V below, riparian zones adjacent to all surface water bodies shall be protected from avoidable disturbance and shall be delineated as follows:

1.                  The riparian zone shall be 300 feet wide along both sides of any Category One (C1) water, and all upstream tributaries situated within the same HUC 14 watershed. 

2.                   The riparian zone shall be 150 feet wide along both sides of the following waters not designated as C1 waters:

a.       Any trout production water and all upstream waters (including tributaries);

b.      Any trout maintenance water and all upstream waters (including tributaries) within one linear mile as measured along the length of the surface water body;

c.       Any segment of a water flowing through an area that contains documented habitat for a threatened or endangered species of plant or animal, which is critically dependent on the surface water body for survival, and all upstream waters (including tributaries) within one linear mile as measured along the length of the surface water body; and

d.      Any segment of a surface water body flowing through an area that contains acid producing soils.

3.                   For all other surface water bodies, a riparian zone of 50 feet wide shall be maintained along both sides of the water.

B.                  If a discernible bank is not present along a surface water body, the portion of the riparian zone outside the surface water body is measured landward as follows:

1.                   Along a linear fluvial or tidal water, such as  a stream or swale, the riparian zone is measured landward of the feature’s centerline;

2.                   Along a non-linear fluvial water, such as a lake or pond, the riparian zone is measured landward of the normal water surface limit;

3.                   Along a non-linear tidal water, such as a bay or inlet, the riparian zone is measured landward of the mean high water line; and

4.                   Along an amorphously-shaped feature, such as a wetland complex, through which water flows, but which lacks a definable channel, the riparian zone is measured landward of the feature’s centerline.

C.                  The applicant or designated representative shall be responsible for the initial determination of the presence of a riparian zone on a site, and for identifying the area on any plan submitted to the Borough of South Plainfield in conjunction with an application for a construction permit, subdivision, land development or other improvement that requires plan submissions or permits.  This initial determination shall be subject to review and approval by the Borough Engineer, Governing Body or its appointed representative and, where required, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

IV.              VARIANCES.

To the extent allowed by the Stormwater Management Rules (N.J.A.C. 7:8), the Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules (N.J.A.C. 7:13), and the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act rules (N.J.A.C. 7:38), new disturbances for projects or activities in the riparian zone established by this Ordinance may be allowed through the Zoning Board of Adjustment review and approval of a variance, provided the disturbance is proposed to be located on a pre-existing lot (existing as of the effective date of this Ordinance) when there is insufficient room outside the riparian zone for the proposed use otherwise permitted by the underlying zoning; there is no other reasonable or prudent alternative to placement in the riparian zone, including obtaining variances from setback or other requirements that would allow conformance with the riparian zone requirements; and upon proof by virtue of submission of appropriate maps, drawings, reports and testimony, that the disturbance is:

A.    Necessary to protect public health, safety or welfare;

B.     To provide an environmental benefit;

C.      To prevent extraordinary hardship on the property owner peculiar to the property; or

D.                 To prevent extraordinary hardship, provided the hardship was not created by the property owner by not allowing a minimum economically viable use of the property based upon reasonable investment.

V.                             EXCEPTIONS.

To the extent allowed under the Stormwater Management rules (N.J.A.C. 7:8), the Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules (N.J.A.C. 7:13), and the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act rules (N.J.A.C. 7:38) and subject to the review and approval by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to the extent required by those rules, the following disturbances for projects or activities in the riparian zone established by this Ordinance are allowed:

A.    Redevelopment within the limits of existing impervious surfaces;

B.     Linear development with no feasible alternative route;

C.                  Disturbance that is in accordance with a stream corridor restoration or stream bank stabilization plan or project approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection;

D.                 Disturbance necessary to provide for public pedestrian access or water dependent recreation that meets the requirements of the Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act rules, N.J.A.C. 7:7A, the Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules, N.J.A.C. 7:13, or the Costal Zone Management rules, N.J.A.C. 7:7E; or

E.                  Disturbance with no feasible alternative required for the remediation of hazardous substances performed with New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection or Federal oversight pursuant to the Spill compensation and Control Act, N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11a, et seq., or the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, 42 U.S.C. §§9601, et seq.


A.                 Any party aggrieved by the location of the riparian zone boundary determination under this Ordinance may appeal to the Borough Environmental Officer under the provisions of this Ordinance.  The party contesting the location of the riparian zone shall have the burden of proof in case of any such appeal.

B.                  Any party aggrieved by any determination or decision of the Borough Environmental Officer under this Ordinance may appeal to the Borough Mayor and Council.  The party contesting the determination or decision shall have the burden of proof in case of any such appeal.

C.                  Conflicts:  All other ordinances, parts of ordinances, or other local requirements that are inconsistent or in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby superseded to the extent of any inconsistency or conflict, and the provisions of this Ordinance shall apply.

D.                 Severability: 

1.                   Interpretation:  This Ordinance shall be so construed as not to conflict with any provision of New Jersey or Federal law.

2.                   Notwithstanding that any provision of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, all remaining provisions of the Ordinance shall continue to be in full force and effect.

3.                   The provisions of this Ordinance shall be cumulative with, and not in substitution for, all other applicable zoning, planning and land use regulations.


A prompt investigation shall be made by the Borough Environmental Officer of any person or entity believed to be in violation thereof.  If, upon inspection, a condition which is in violation of this Ordinance is discovered, a civil action in the  Special Civil Part of the Superior Court, or in the Superior Court, if the primary relief sought is injunctive or if penalties may exceed the jurisdictional limit of the  Special Civil Part, by the filing and serving of appropriate process.   Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to preclude the right of the Borough of South Plainfield, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:3A2-25, to initiate legal proceedings hereunder in Municipal Court.  The violation of any section or subsection of this Ordinance shall constitute a separate and distinct offense independent of the violation of any other section or subsection, or of any order issued pursuant to this Ordinance.  Each day a violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.


This Ordinance shall take effect upon final passage and publication in accordance with New Jersey law.

Mr. Bengivenga made a motion to adopt Ordinance # 1923, seconded by Mr. Barletta.

Mayor Anesh opened the public hearing on Ordinance # 1923. There were no comments

so the Mayor called for the vote.

YES:  Barletta, Bengivenga, Buteas, McConville, Salerno, Rusnak        Motion Carried

Clerk Graf read Ordinance # 1925 by title only for introduction as follows:

#1925 entitled:   An Ordinance amending Salary Ordinance # 1777 entitled an ordinance

                        providing for the compensation of various borough employees and the

                        method of payment of  said compensation

Mr. Bengivenga made a motion to approve Ordinance # 1925 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Barletta.

YES:  Barletta, Bengivenga, Buteas, McConville, Salerno, Rusnak        Motion Carried

Clerk Graf read Ordinance # 1926 by title only for introduction as follows:

#1926 entitled: An Ordinance amending Salary Ordinance # 1898 entitled: An Ordinance

                       providing for the compensation of officers and employees of the Borough

                       of South Plainfield and the method of payment of such compensation for

                       the years 2010 and 2011. 

Mr. Bengivenga made a motion to approve Ordinance # 1926 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Barletta.

YES:  Barletta, Bengivenga, Buteas, McConville, Salerno, Rusnak        Motion Carried

Clerk Graf read Ordinance # 1927 by title only for introduction as follows:

#1927 entitled: A Bond Ordinance Amending Section 3(B) of Bond Ordinance Numbered

                       1919 of the Borough of South Plainfield, in the County of Middlesex, New

                       Jersey finally adopted March 7, 2011 in order to amend the description of

                       the project.

Mr. Bengivenga made a motion to approve Ordinance # 1927 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Barletta

YES:  Barletta, Bengivenga, Buteas, McConville, Salerno, Rusnak        Motion Carried

Mr. Bengivenga made a motion to approve Resolutions 11-072 through 11-084, seconded by Mr. McConville, which all begin with BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE BOROUGH OF SOUTH PLAINFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THAT:


WHEREAS, Federal Metals and Alloys has applied for a release of a performance bond posted for public improvements to Block 467.01, Lot31, 4216 South Clinton Ave; and

WHEREAS, the Borough Engineer has certified all required public improvements to the property have been installed; and

WHEREAS, the requirements and conditions of Borough Ordinance # 762 have been complied with as to filing and serving of notice; and

WHEREAS, the Borough Engineer has recommended that the performance bond in the form of a   Check in the amount of $16,518.00  be released upon the posting of a two year maintenance bond in the amount of $2,477.70 and the payment of any outstanding engineering escrow fees or COAH fees; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Body held a public hearing on Monday, April 4, 2011 and there were no objections filed against the release of said bond.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the above stated performance bond be released upon the posting of a two year maintenance bond.


WHEREAS, the following list of taxpayers have filed appeals with the State Tax Court and have received judgments reducing their assessments:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Borough of South Plainfield, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey that the following appeals be refunded.

OWNER/ADDRESS                                                 BLOCK          LOT    YEAR                         AMOUNT

Bit Holdings Fifty Three Inc.                             222                  1      2010      $243,724.46    

Park & Oak Tree                                                                           2009      $173,683.02     

South Plainfield, NJ 07080                                                             2008      $142,607.40        

Make check payable to:

Bit Holdings Fifty Three Inc c/o Garippa, Lotz & Giannuario                                  

66 Park Street

Montclair, NJ 07042

Total                                                                                                                            $560,014.88 

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Borough of South

Plainfield that the Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to issue a check(s) in the

amount(s) as mentioned above.


WHEREAS, the Tax Collector advises that the following taxpayers and/or their agents have

overpaid their taxes and have requested refunds:

Block 122; Lot 53                                          

PNC Mortgage

P.O. Box 1804

Attn: Brooke Burton

Dayton, OH  45401


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Borough of South

Plainfield that the Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to issue a check(s) in the

amount(s) as mentioned above.


Emil H. Philibosian, Esq. is hereby appointed to defend the Borough in a tax appeal matter filed by Home Depot, USA concerning property known as Block 472, Lot 36 within the Borough.


WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:11 any expenditure of public funds in excess of $17,500 requires the advertisement for proposals for delivery of said goods or services; and

WHEREAS, a need has been determined for the purchase of a new for 5 yard dump truck 

equipped with stainless steel flick plow & Hydraulics stainless steel spreader to replace current old and worn equipment; and

WHEREAS bids were solicited and opened on Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 10:30am in the Conference room in Borough Hall and the following picked up bid packages and submitted bids:

Schwartz & Sons         $118,691.53

Hoover Truck Center     $127,994.00

Kenilworth/Trius, Inc.    $143,129.00

Mid-Atlantic Truck        $133,000.00

                        Brown Truck Group      $155,000.00                           

WHEREAS, the bids have been reviewed by the Borough’s Superintendent of Public Works and the Borough Attorney, Paul Rizzo and it is their recommendation  that the bid of Schwartz & Sons, 585 Shrewsbury Ave, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 in the amount of $118,691.53 be accepted and a contract be awarded; and

WHEREAS, funds for said purpose have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer and are available in account C-04-55-917-002-901.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Borough of South Plainfield that authorization is hereby given to award a contract to Schwartz & Sons, 585 Shrewsbury Ave, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 for the purchase of a 5 yard dump truck equipped with stainless steel flick plow & Hydraulics stainless steel spreader at a cost not to exceed $118, 691.53.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Municipal Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the necessary agreement with Schwartz & Sons, the lowest responsible bidder for the purchase.


WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:11 any expenditure of public funds in excess of $17,500 requires the advertisement for proposals for delivery of said goods or services; and

WHEREAS, a need has been determined for the purchase of a 2011 Wheel Loader Backhoe; and

WHEREAS bids were solicited and opened on Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 10:30am in the Conference room in Borough Hall and the following picked up bid packages and submitted bids:

JESCO            $78,678.00

Foley, Inc.     $93,214.24

WHEREAS, the bids have been reviewed by the Borough’s Superintendent of Public Works and the Borough Attorney, Paul Rizzo and it is their recommendation  that the bid of Schwartz & Sons, 585 Shrewsbury Ave, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 in the amount of $118,691.53 be accepted and a contract be awarded; and

WHEREAS, funds for said purpose have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer and are available in  account C-04-55-917-002-902.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Borough of South Plainfield that authorization is hereby given to award a contract to JESCO, 1790 Route 38, Lumberton, NJ for the purchase of a 2011 Wheel Loader Backhoe at a cost not to exceed $78,678.00.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Municipal Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the necessary agreement with Schwartz & Sons, the lowest responsible bidder for the purchase.


authorization is hereby granted for the purchase of a network clock from Tactical Public Safety at a cost not to exceed $5,200.00. Funds for this purchase are available in Account



the attached Ordinance, to Amend Section 17.5 of the Code of the Borough of South Plainfield entitled “Signs for Commercial Purposes”, which would regulate awnings within the Borough is hereby referred to the South Plainfield Planning Board for their review and recommendations.


Dawn Hutchinson is hereby hired for the part time position of Tax Cashier, effective April 5, 2011 at an hourly rate of $13.00 excluding benefits.


WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:4-8 provides that the budget may be read by title only at the time
of the public hearing, providing that at least one week prior to the date of the hearing, a complete copy of the approved budget as advertised has been delivered to the South
Plainfield Library, posted in the Municipal Building, with copies available to any persons requesting same; and 

WHEREAS, the Municipal Clerk has fulfilled her responsibilities of insuring the availability
of the Municipal budget to the public;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Borough of South Plainfield, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey that the CY 2011 Municipal Budget be read by title only.


WHEREAS, emissions from gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles contribute significantly to air pollution, including greenhouse gases, ozone formation, fine particulates; and

WHEREAS, numerous scientific studies have found links between exposure to fine particles and health effects including premature death, and increased incidents of asthma, allergies, and other breathing disorders; and

WHEREAS, the United States Environmental Protection Agency has classified diesel exhaust as likely to be carcinogenic to humans; and

WHEREAS, vehicles idling occurs in locations (e.g. school grounds, parking lots, distribution centers, strip malls, construction sites, business centers, etc.) where New Jerseyans can be exposed to concentrated sources of air pollutant emissions; and

WHEREAS, asthma is a significant public health concern in New Jersey, especially among children (up to 25% of New Jersey’s school-age children are asthmatic) and the elderly; and

WHEREAS, the reduction in fine-particle emissions from diesel engines could also prevent 16,000 new asthma cases annually and save $770 million to $10 billion in health care and related costs in the State; and

WHEREAS, for every gallon of gasoline used, the average car produces about 20 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2), the largest contributor to greenhouse climate change, with one-third of greenhouse gas emissions coming from the transportation sector; and

WHEREAS, petroleum-based gasoline and diesel fuel are nonrenewable fuels and should
be used wisely and not wasted; and

WHEREAS, idling is not generally beneficial to a vehicle’s engine because it wears engine parts; and

WHEREAS, idling more than 10 seconds uses more fuel and emits more pollutants than turning an engine off and on again; and

WHEREAS, current state law prohibits the idling of vehicles for more than three minutes and studies have shown that an anti-idling policy will save fuel, prolong engine life, and improve air quality.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Borough Council of South Plainfield, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey supports the adoption of a strong anti-idling policy by government agencies, schools, businesses, and other organizations by:

  1. Make enforcing existing violations and penalties under New Jersey’s existing no-idling law a priority for all municipal Peace Officers pursuant to C. 39:3-70.2 and C. 26:2C-1;
  2. Encouraging any gasoline or diesel-powered motor vehicle to turn off their engines immediately at schools and off-site school related events to minimize exposure of children to vehicle emissions;
  3. Maintaining municipal vehicles to eliminate any visible exhaust and complying with the annual inspection requirement for those vehicles;
  4. Promote the widespread use of emission controls in construction contracts; and
  5. Supporting broad education of the public about the health, environmental and economic impacts of idling and ways to reduce idling.


 the Mayor and Municipal Clerk are hereby authorized to renew an inter-local agreement with

MCIA for Yard Waste Recycling Service for the term of April 1, 2011 through March 31, 2013.


WHEREAS, the Borough requires the services of a licensed and qualified attorney to serve as a hearing officer in an action involving Marie Smith; and

WHEREAS, legal counsel has recommended that Edward M. Dunne, Esq. be retained based upon his professional experience and reputation; and

WHEREAS, it is anticipated that payments will not exceed $5,000.00; and

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1, et seq., the New Jersey Local Public Contracts Law, authorizes the award of professional service contracts without competitive bidding;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Borough of South Plainfield, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey, that the Mayor and Municipal Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Professional Service Agreement with Edward M. Dunne, Esq. of Valentino & Dunne, P.C. for Mr. Dunne to perform all required services to serve as a hearing officer in the matter involving Marie Smith at a rate of $175.00 per hour.

YES:  Barletta, Bengivenga, Buteas, McConville, Salerno, Rusnak        Motion Carried

Mr. Rusnak made a motion to accept the Correspondence as listed below; seconded by Mr. McConville:

1.       Traffic Safety Advisory Commission minutes – February 23, 2011

2.       Recycling Dept. Report – February 2011

3.       Letter from Borough Attorney  Re: Executive Sessions

4.       Environmental Commission minutes – Feb. 9, 2011

YES:  Barletta, Bengivenga, Buteas, McConville, Salerno, Rusnak        Motion Carried

Mr. Bengivenga made a motion to approve the Bills List as summarized below, seconded by Mr. Barletta.


            Current Fund - $744,988.46

    Sewer Utility Operating Fund  -  $17,292.85 

            Pool Utility Operating Fund – $1,117.35  

           General Capital - $102,864.87

            Grant Fund - $15,786.58

           Treasurers Trust - $4,066.60

            Recreation Trust -  $2,978.08

       TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS - $889,094.79

Turning to Reports, Mr. Cullen reported on the following items:

·          Budget Hearings with the Department Heads are being set up and will be posted in the Observer

·          6 Bids have been received so far on the Senior Center alterations project. Bid Opening is set for 4/13/11.

·          On the New Brunswick project easements, all but 1 property have been settled and the borough may have to exercise eminent domain.

·          Regarding State Aid, there is a possibility that municipal aid may be affected by School Board lawsuit.

·          The bulk pick program will be held in the fall but it doesn’t look good for a spring pick up.

·          Tax appeals are being processed and categorized.  The deadline was April 1st.  Mr. Cullen hopes to have a list prepared for the next meeting.

Councilmen Salerno, Barletta and Bengivenga reported progress.

Councilman McConville reported that the Ponytail opening has been changed to 12:30pm due to a scheduling conflict.  Junior Baseball is still set for 10:00am. Cultural Arts Talent Show Auditions are scheduled for April 9th and 10th.

Councilwoman Buteas thanked all those involved with making the Women’s Empowerment event a great success.  She also reminded the public about the Spring Cleanup on Saturday, April 23, 2011 beginning at 9:00am.

Council President Rusnak expanded on Mr. Cullen’s comments on the Tax Appeal situation and acknowledged that the large number of appeals may cause a rough ride but the Council will do the best they can to budget for everything we can and get everything accomplished.

Mayor Anesh announced that one of the Borough’s scouts has attained Eagle Scout and the Council is invited to the May 15th Ceremony.

Mayor Anesh opened the meeting to the public for their comments.

Frank Mikorski of Regency Place stated he will not patronize these large retail businesses who file tax appeal.  He commented on the fact that the Governor is looking at several authorities including the MCUA.  Mr. Mikorski congratulated DPW Supt. Capparelli on his new equipment and noted that the bids were considerable lower due to the economy which is great.   He asked Mr. Cullen if he had a copy of the School Board audit and suggested Mr. Cullen try to reconcile the audit against the budget.

Les Bergen of Hamilton Blvd. questioned why Ordinances 1921 and 1925 had the same title.  The Clerk clarified.  He also asked why the Borough needs to hire another attorney when we have a law firm already.  Mr. Rizzo explained that a conflict sometimes occurs so Emil H. Philibosian, Esq. will handle those cases.

Debbie Boyle of Van Fleet Ave thanked the Mayor and Council President for attending the Shared Services meeting.  She commented that at the last Board meeting she questioned why the tax was so high and she intends to pursue the matter further.  Mrs. Boyle also thanked Mayor Anesh and Councilwoman Buteas for participating in the charity volleyball tournament which raised $6,200 for the Maeszak family.

Mr. Rusnak congratulated Mrs. Boyle on doing a great job.

Paul McCullen asked for clarification on Resolution # 11-075.  Mr. Rizzo explained that this appointment falls under Professional Services and the need to have a designated tax attorney when a conflict of interest arises.  He also echoed the sentiments of Mr. Mikorski regarding not patronizing large businesses filing tax appeals.

Frank Mikorski congratulated the Observer for the entertaining front page on the April 1st edition.  He commented that the Men’s Forum have discussed establishing passenger trains  to Bethlehem, PA.

Debbie Bergen of Hamilton Blvd. asked whether the DEP application for the permits needed for the alternate truck route has been submitted yet.  It was explained that the bond funding the cost of the application submission is in its estoppel period after which the funds will be available

Robert Bengivenga of Woodland Ave announced that Unico will be holding their Community Service Day on Saturday, April 9th  from 10am4pm at Borough Hall.  At the same time
and place, Unico, the Business Association and the Knights of Columbus will co-sponsor a blood drive.

Mayor Anesh closed the public portion of the meeting and the governing body moved into Executive Session.

Upon the Council’s return, Mayor Anesh reported no additional action is required and called for a motion to adjourn.  So moved by Mr. Rusnak and seconded by Mr. Barletta.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joann L. Graf, RMC

Municipal Clerk