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February 16, 2010 Special Hearing Comm. Block Grant

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Borough of South Plainfield   
Mayor and Council Minutes  

Minutes from the February 16, 2010 Special Public Hearing

of the South Plainfield Mayor and Council on the

2010 Housing & Community Development Block Grant

The meeting was called to order at 6:45pm by Mayor Butrico in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6.

Present:  Mayor Butrico, Council members Anesh, Bengivenga, Buteas, McConville,  Rusnak, Salerno, Administrator/CFO Glenn Cullen, Municipal Clerk Joann Graf, Borough Attorney Paul Rizzo, and Borough Engineer Len Miller.

Councilman Bengivenga gave a brief introduction on the HCD Grant process and the purpose of the public hearing and gave a preliminary list of suggested uses which the HCD Committee will include in their consideration of possible projects for 2010.

Mayor Butrico opened the hearing for public comment.

Jeffrey Williams, the Mayor’s Representative to the HCD Committee, asked for a clarification on who is responsible for disseminating information and the purpose of the evening’s hearing. 

Council Liaison Bengivenga responded to the inquiry and gave a summary of the entire process.  He assured Mr. Williams that he would be kept in the loop.

Councilwoman Buteas asked Mr. Bengivenga for a timeline on the committee’s plan for 2010. Mr. Bengivenga stated that the Citizens Advisory Committee would be meeting on Thursday evening to debrief from this evening’s public hearing and to finalize the project proposal for 2010.  He stated that the final plan and a resolution approving the plan needs to be included on the March 1st agenda to meet the deadline date of March 6th.

Les Bergen asked for a list of eligible projects that the grant money can be used for.  Mayor Butrico gave Mr. Bergen examples of qualified uses.  Ms Buteas added further explanation by detailing the criteria used relative to those who benefit from the grant.

Ms. Graf added further detail by citing prior year projects that affected the Senior Citizen population including the installation of the kitchen at the Senior Center and assistance with the Coordinator’s salary. 

Having no further public comment, Mayor Butrico closed the public hearing at 7:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joann L. Graf

Joann L. Graf, RMC

Municipal Clerk